
Here are some things I’ve built (or currently am building). I’ve done my best to try to group projects with a shared theme together, which is tricky considering my penchant for being all over the place in terms of interests.

Feel free to check them out and reach out if you have any questions or if anything piques your interest!

Quantum Computing

Things I've built related to Quantum Computing. A great deal of material is dedicated to the Quantum Computing at Davis (QCaD) organization, although some projects were built during my time with If and Only If (Iff) Technologies.


Presentations/Lectures I've given to help develop an intuition behind Quantum Computing and some of its more confusing aspects


Automated Loading assuming Atomic Level Interactions. Collaborated with others to produce a library for mapping molecules onto Quantum Computers. Contributed mapping software as well as circuit deconstruction methods to avoid BRIDGE and SWAP gates.


A collection of mathematical tools for learning the math behind quantum circuits, built on numpy. Contains demos used in the Quantum Computing at Davis "Circuits I" and "Circuits II" workshops.

G/SG Morph

The Graph/Subgraph Isomorphism Library for Quantum Annealers, based on Calude, Dinneen, and Hua's "QUBO formulations for the graph isomorphism problem and related problems"

Boson Sampling

A library to help better understand Aaronson-Arkhipov Boson Sampling (AABS)


Projects I've built that deal with computer hardware, both cutting-edge and legacy


Fixes and contributions for an educational variant of the RISC-V rv32i CPU, written in Chisel and created by Professor Jason Lowe-Power at UC Davis


A library designed to let Arduino UNO compatible platforms perform Read, Write, and specialized memory operations On DIP-Style DRAM chips (targeted for the Hitachi HM50256-15 chips)

SRAM Read-Write

a program for the Arduino UNO that llows it to read and write to older generation DIP format SRAM chips (targeted for the UM6126AK-15 chips)

EPROM Dumper

A program for the Arduino MEGA to dump the contents of UV-erasable EPROM chips

Scientific Computing

Progams and tools I've built related to scientific computation


An implementation of the Semi-Empirical Mass Formula for prediciting nuclear binding energies written in Rust

Docker PyNE

Docker Environment for the PyNE nuclear science/engineering toolkit


Material (mostly educational) that I've developed due to tinkering with blockchain technology or mainly due to workshops for Blockchain at Davis (BaD)

ECS 189F

UC Davis' "Introduction to Distributed Ledgers" course. Co-authored the curriculum as well as gave a talk on how Ethereum works

Secure File Transfer-eR (SFTR)

a (partial) decentralized application dedicated to encrypted file transmission between individuals using Ethereum, IPFS, and NaCl cryptographic libraries. Designed as part of a workshop hosted at 2018 SacHacks event on behalf of Blockchain at Davis (BaD)

Instructor Workshop Solidity Examples

a set of examples created for a workshop to train new instructors for Blockchain at Davis (BaD)

Web Development

Projects I've made with an emphasis on current internet/web-based technology


The theme this website currently uses, designed for usage with the Jekyll static site generator. Oriented towards those looking to showcase projects/work experience with a blog on top.

Former Personal Website

My old personal website, built using Less, Slim, and Bootstrap